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  1. Teal Gardner

Spring 2025: The Ecogeoglyphic Observatory is a few months out from our show, RIPARIA, at MING Studios. We are presenting a public performance of “Drone Bath” on March 11. Read more here: 💦️

RIPARIA is taking shape as we explore the edges of the Boise River and await the explosion of water that will soon be released from Lucky Peak Reservoir. We are returning to the river in this super-warm spring with gratitude and curiosity.

March, 2025: I am preparing to conclude the work for my residency at “The Common Well” in Boise. Myself and the “Show and Tell” residency cohort have been working for nearly six months on our presentations. Today the title came to me, “Dues for a Volcano Cult.” 
Feb, 2025: I am currently visiting Green River, Utah as part of my research as one of Epicenter’s Frontier Fellows. My work here focuses on the “front yard” as a form that holds storytelling, history, archive, and site for exchange with the more than human world. Read more about the fellowship, here: 📗

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