In Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, at the edge of a protected wilderness, directly on rivers of historic salmon migration, is an open pit. The pit is a remnant of mining that occured at the site during the 20th century. A company is now trying to re-open mining there, and proposes to remove 5bn USD worth of particulate gold from the area, using mountaintop removal techniques. The Canadian mining company (formerly known as Midas Gold, now known as Perpetua Resources) has done everything it can to create the illustion that further mining can result in positive environmental outcomes in the area.Their proposal undoes years of restoration efforts undertaken by the Nez Perce tribe, who are adamantly against mining on their ancestral lands.
Read more:
Nez Perce Statement
Idaho Conservation League

^^Open Pit 1950. Aerial Photo from Yellow Pine School Museum Collection

^^Open Pit 2019. Photo by Teal Gardner

^^Midas’ plan for reopened mine, 2019. Photo by Teal Gardner

^^Students talking with representative from Midas Gold, 2019.

^^Children with huge Salmon. From Yellow Pine School Museum Collection.

^^Hillside near Sugar Creek, 2019. Photo by Teal Gardner.

^^At the shore of the confluence of the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River and Johnson Creek, 2019. Photo by Teal Gardner.